Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Razer Goliathus Alpha Speed Review

I'm not the one to waste money on useless stuff, but when i decided to change my mouse to a Razer Diamondback 3G, i knew i couldnt waste that mouse on a cheap mousepad so i decided to get this.
Got this from Islamabad, Blue Area for 1650 Rs. I know thats a little steep but you'd be amazed at how brilliant and totally worth this thing is. It honestly feels like my mouse is floating in mid air, and at this price, it'd better! You can chose from three sizes, something i totally forgot when buying and ended up with the biggest one measuring almost 15x14 inches. I'm guessing the smaller ones would be cheaper. It has improved accuracy in games some what, i havnt tested it to those extremes, but even in general Windows usage, its just a pleasure to have. A must have if you're buying an expensive mouse.

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